3 reasons you should listen to old people…

Nathan Glass
4 min readDec 31, 2020

… even if they’re deaf and can’t hear you.

Isn’t it funny when you’ve heard something many times yet it suddenly hits you in a different way?

“Well, it’s alright, even if you’re old and grey
Well, it’s alright, you still got something to say”

(lyrics from ‘The End of the Line’ by The Traveling Wilburys)

I’ve heard that song too many times played by my family on late night alcohol-induced song-playing binges. Recently I heard it just after spending time with my grandparents, it felt different.

My grandparents are in their 90’s, well technically my Nan is in her 90’s and my Grandad is a few years younger than her. That makes him her toy-boy which would have been quite rare when they met, naturally he lied about his age at the time.

They grew up during World War Two with a backdrop so epic and bleak that it’s easy to forget… it actually happened. When you can be a child during a war you don’t really need to grow up, that youthful wonder and downright childish humour doesn’t leave you, life can’t beat it out of you, although it will still try.

“I think people would live a bit longer if they didn’t know how old they were. Age puts restrictions on things.”



Nathan Glass

Many botched attempts to make sense verbally have led me here.